Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bug Themed Birthday Party For Alexia's 5th Birthday!!

I put together invites already!!!

BUG THEME PARTY FOOD:I'm going to make the cake myself,I hope it turns out as I picture in my head
- pudding/ iceing, oreos (make it look like dirt)and gummy worms and fake bugs..

Mix a yellow drink (citrus pop or lemonade) with a blue one (kool-aid).
You'll end up with a radioactive shade of green.
hot dogs, Hamburgers, buns, chips,...

oreo spiders 

dirt and worms-
pudding, oreos, and gummy worms,  

gummy worms in a bag with a ribbon for a gift bag...

Here's what I need: headbands, ribbon, pipe cleaner's, pom poms, glue gun

bug hunt-

to play the game...kinda like easter egg hunt ..but bug hunt.
 some packs of fake bugs, bug nets, and bug catcher boxes,

The child who finds the bug with a dot on the bottom wins a prize..
and all the kids keep the bugs and the nets, boxes.

Bugs in a Jar:
Children hold plastic bugs chest-high and try to drop them into a jar on the floor at their feet.
If this is too easy, have them kneel in a chair to do it, with the jar on the floor behind the chair.

Grasshopper Leap Contest:
Have kids take turns "leaping like a grasshopper" and mark where each child lands.
Have them leap once again to see if they can leap further than the first time. This tactic, rather than
a contest against each other, ensures that everyone's a winner!